The universally bad reviews of the movie I Frankenstein, which I have not seen, reminded me of the retelling of the Frankenstein story by Dean Koontz. Although Koontz’s pulp fiction style is not Tolstoy, … Good Things Come of Bad: Dean Koontz’s FrankensteinRead more
Author: Bill Isley
How the Camera Lies: A Review of the Movie Blowup
As the kids say, I got punked, but I’m glad I did. My wife and I sat down to watch a suspense film about a photographer who inadvertently photographs a murder. What we got … How the Camera Lies: A Review of the Movie BlowupRead more
Experiencing The Desolation of Smaug
If you want to enjoy The Desolation of Smaug, you need to forget Tolkien’s The Hobbit because Peter Jackson’s movie strays quite a bit from the novel.
On Putting Mom in a Nursing Home
I watched the bright morning sun set the red- orange- and golden-leafed trees ablaze against a Hoosier sky of crystal blue. There was little or no wind and the drive was quiet. Time seemed … On Putting Mom in a Nursing HomeRead more
Understanding the Psalms: Their Not-So-Hidden Structure
Off and on for over two years I had my morning devotions in the Psalms. I would read a psalm or a portion of one out loud, study it, and write notes on it. … Understanding the Psalms: Their Not-So-Hidden StructureRead more