Disney’s “Oz the Great and Powerful” is billed as a prequel to MGM’s classic fantasy-fairy tale of 1939. It is entertaining, but, unlike its predecessor, it is neither a great nor a powerful movie.
Author: Bill Isley
Delightful Disasters
My father was a successful businessman and a decorated World War II pilot who retired as a lieutenant colonel. The natural assumption is that he would have been well-organized and a meticulous planner. He … Delightful DisastersRead more
A Culture of Cooperation?
Although this is in all likelihood not news to you, we theologians are odd birds. After all, how many people come away from a delightful day-after Valentine’s dinner with a beautiful wife thinking about … A Culture of Cooperation?Read more
Hobbits as Heroes: A Review of Peter Jackson’s The Hobbit
Last weekend I saw Peter Jackson’s version of The Hobbit. I was entertained but disappointed.
A Call to Evangelical Reflection on the Newtown Massacre
The strong, visceral horror at the slaughter of little children in Newtown, Connecticut is universally felt in America. This natural human reaction has led to serious questions about gun control, mental health and security. … A Call to Evangelical Reflection on the Newtown MassacreRead more