I was surprised to learn that Martin Sheen and Jack Nicholson are both pro-life.
Author: Bill Isley
How Christian is Hatfields & McCoys?
In asking how Christian is the History Channel’s miniseries Hatfield & McCoys I do not mean that it was done by a Christian production company, that it has Christian actors and certainly not that it … How Christian is Hatfields & McCoys?Read more
Hatfields & McCoys: Family Values
I’ll leave it to others to judge the historical accuracy of Hatfield & McCoys, the History Channel’s three-part miniseries portrayal of the infamous feud. It includes many of the known facts. Also, its scenery and … Hatfields & McCoys: Family ValuesRead more
Jesus: Mediator or Meddler?
While reading the story of the lame man healed by Jesus at the Pool of Bethsaida in John 5, I was struck by the fact that the lame man called Jesus “the man who … Jesus: Mediator or Meddler?Read more
The Significance of Sandwiches
While eating at a church social, George, with a gleam of joy in his eyes and pleasure in his voice, said that he loved sandwiches above all other entrees. Although I did not and do … The Significance of SandwichesRead more