The 1956 French film A Man Escaped is a taut, tense drama of a resistance fighter imprisoned in Lyons by the occupying German forces during World War II. Based upon historical events, with minimal dialogue … A Man Escaped: A Metaphor for Hope and FreedomRead more
Author: Bill Isley
Truth Is Stranger than Fiction
The 2006 movie Stranger than Fiction is proof positive that the fantastic is able to explore the depths of reality, a subject that realism never seems to be able to grasp.
Immanuel and the Loneliness of Modernity
I often feel that the modern world has gone mad, but I must admit that I was caught off guard when I discovered in the eighteenth-century philosopher Thomas Reid (1710-1796) an epistemological source of our … Immanuel and the Loneliness of ModernityRead more
Fascism: The “F” in Antifa'”
” … the streamlined men who think in slogans and talk in bullets” George Orwell, Coming Up for Air We Americans have an unfortunate penchant for abbreviations. Who else would shorten a two-letter word like … Fascism: The “F” in Antifa'”Read more
Branson: Nostalgia and Memoria
My wife and I spent an extended weekend in Branson, Missouri to celebrate her birthday this year. Although we enjoyed a couple of shows, ate some good food, and purchased a few nice items, I … Branson: Nostalgia and MemoriaRead more