One of the unfortunate characteristics of contemporary Christianity is the division between conservative and liberal Christians concerning the role of the church in society. In general, conservatives emphasize changing the individual and liberals the … Overcoming False Dichotomies: Psalms 1 and 2 TogetherRead more
Praise to God the Creator
In all places and at all times mankind has been fascinated with the heavens above. Even the atheist is not dead to their majesty and beauty and experiences a sense of awe,
Praise to the God of the Law
When we consider the beautiful sky above, most of us are easily led to praise God the Creator. However in Psalm 19 David finds even more reason to praise God because of the law.
The Last Temptation of Christ
Contrary to the novel and film of this name, both of which I only know by reading a written summary, the last temptation of Jesus was not to live a normal human life. Even … The Last Temptation of ChristRead more
Psalm 107: A Pattern for Giving Thanks to God
A major reason for the contemporary church’s weak prayer life and spirituality is that we are infected with modernist individualism, which misleads us into believing that the corporate is opposed to the personal. This … Psalm 107: A Pattern for Giving Thanks to GodRead more