In asking how Christian is the History Channel’s miniseries Hatfield & McCoys I do not mean that it was done by a Christian production company, that it has Christian actors and certainly not that it … How Christian is Hatfields & McCoys?Read more
Religion and Culture
Hatfields & McCoys: Family Values
I’ll leave it to others to judge the historical accuracy of Hatfield & McCoys, the History Channel’s three-part miniseries portrayal of the infamous feud. It includes many of the known facts. Also, its scenery and … Hatfields & McCoys: Family ValuesRead more
Jesus: Mediator or Meddler?
While reading the story of the lame man healed by Jesus at the Pool of Bethsaida in John 5, I was struck by the fact that the lame man called Jesus “the man who … Jesus: Mediator or Meddler?Read more
Courageous vs. Desperate Housewives
For Christmas our sons gave us the DVD of the first season of Desperate Housewives (or was it just for my wife?). Last week my wife and I went to see the movie Courageous, … Courageous vs. Desperate HousewivesRead more
Capitalism vs. Christianity?
I once read an article in a traditional conservative magazine that argued that in the long run capitalism was more damaging to Christianity and the family than communism. After Black Friday, I’m inclined to … Capitalism vs. Christianity?Read more