The 1956 French film A Man Escaped is a taut, tense drama of a resistance fighter imprisoned in Lyons by the occupying German forces during World War II. Based upon historical events, with minimal dialogue … A Man Escaped: A Metaphor for Hope and FreedomRead more
Religion and Culture
Truth Is Stranger than Fiction
The 2006 movie Stranger than Fiction is proof positive that the fantastic is able to explore the depths of reality, a subject that realism never seems to be able to grasp.
Immanuel and the Loneliness of Modernity
I often feel that the modern world has gone mad, but I must admit that I was caught off guard when I discovered in the eighteenth-century philosopher Thomas Reid (1710-1796) an epistemological source of our … Immanuel and the Loneliness of ModernityRead more
Branson: Nostalgia and Memoria
My wife and I spent an extended weekend in Branson, Missouri to celebrate her birthday this year. Although we enjoyed a couple of shows, ate some good food, and purchased a few nice items, I … Branson: Nostalgia and MemoriaRead more
Martin Luther King vs. Cool Hand Luke or Love vs. Anger
In my last post I reviewed the classic 1967 movie Cool Hand Luke ( and highlighted its religious symbolism in which Luke is portrayed as a suffering messiah struggling against oppressive forces. A little while … Martin Luther King vs. Cool Hand Luke or Love vs. AngerRead more