I am almost **.5 years old, and my students are in their teens. Some of their parents are younger than my sons. In my post “On Aging” (http://billisley.com/2023/01/on-aging/#more-4730) I mentioned discussing the Danish philosopher Søren … An Old Coot Teaches Kierkegaard to YoungstersRead more
Beauty and Christian Theology
The famed Swiss theologian Karl Barth once spoke of theology as “the most beautiful of all the sciences”[1] because God, its subject, is beautiful. Theological aesthetics, by which is meant reflection on the nature and … Beauty and Christian TheologyRead more
Truth and Knowledge in the Bible
In the realm of epistemology, the Bible brings a richly multifaceted understanding of truth and knowledge. While most traditional philosophical definitions of truth and knowledge focus on concepts and abstractions, the biblical understanding is broader and … Truth and Knowledge in the BibleRead more
Sexual Lust
Sexual sin is so predominantly the sin in the minds of many that the words “lust” and “immorality” are understood to refer exclusively to it. This error led Dorothy Sayers to title her essay on … Sexual LustRead more
Gluttony is the inordinate or excessive love of food and drink. The simplicity of this definition may obscure the theological and psychological depths of this deadly sin. The concluding line of the previous post on … GluttonyRead more