One of the privileges and pleasures of teaching at a classical Christian school like Cair Paravel Latin School ( is working with a wonderful faculty. This semester for faculty development we are all reading … A Semester with C.S. Lewis’s Till We Have Faces (Introduction)Read more
Corruption Isn’t Society’s Main Political Problem
When things go wrong in society, the finger of blame is regularly and understandably pointed at the “crooked politicians.” Corruption in high places does plague human societies, but it is not the main problem. … Corruption Isn’t Society’s Main Political ProblemRead more
God, The Great Deconstructionist
We Christians too quickly dismiss the skeptics. They actually can give us some help theologically and spiritually. Jacques Derrida and the philosophical literary movement of deconstructionism is an example.
Is Psalm 1 Misleading?
Psalm 1:3 declares that the righteous who meditate on God’s word prosper in all that they do, whereas the wicked are blown away like chaff. This sounds wonderful, but reality often contradicts it. The … Is Psalm 1 Misleading?Read more
The Scalpel of God’s Tender Mercies
God’s word is meant to rebuke and correct (2 Timothy 3:16). It is living and active, sharper than any two-edged sword and can lay bare our sinful thoughts and intentions (Hebrews 4:12-13). Nevertheless, I … The Scalpel of God’s Tender MerciesRead more