I once read an article in a traditional conservative magazine that argued that in the long run capitalism was more damaging to Christianity and the family than communism. After Black Friday, I’m inclined to … Capitalism vs. Christianity?Read more
Confessions of a Guilty Church Consumer
America is a consumerist society. It is wonderful to have so many options to choose from and to obtain our favorite foods, beverages, tools, cars, clothes, and entertainment. But what of our character? The … Confessions of a Guilty Church ConsumerRead more
Yesterday, the day before my birthday, my mom’s dog died.
Why Liberal Christians Don’t Follow the Prophets
Liberal Christians often stress the prophets’ call to social justice, but are silent or even opposed to other aspects of their message. Why?
How Evangelicals Ignore the Minor Prophets
God has an important message for today’s church through the Minor Prophets—they are called “minor” only because of their length—if only we would listen to it. What’s the problem?