I am almost **.5 years old, and my students are in their teens. Some of their parents are younger than my sons. In my post “On Aging” (http://billisley.com/2023/01/on-aging/#more-4730) I mentioned discussing the Danish philosopher Søren … An Old Coot Teaches Kierkegaard to YoungstersRead more
On Aging
No one has said, or at least should have said, that aging is easy.
Love and Suffering: Insights from Julian of Norwich
“… and those only that feel the keener wound are known as Lovers”[1] I have lived a life of quite undeserved happiness and health. However, a few weeks ago I was struck with a severe … Love and Suffering: Insights from Julian of NorwichRead more
Enjoying God: Sharing with a Student
Your choice of the thesis statement for your essay on the good life from the famous answer in the Westminster Shorter Catechism, “the chief end of man is to glorify God and enjoy him forever,” … Enjoying God: Sharing with a StudentRead more
Memorial Day: Remembering Our Fallen
Recently, some students signed a fake petition to no longer recognize Memorial Day because it glorified “American imperialism.” One student said, “I’m not celebrating. I do not think Memorial Day should be a thing that … Memorial Day: Remembering Our FallenRead more